Opening times

Playlanders operates school term time, so we are closed in school holidays.

We operate in a Church Hall, so are open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday as the Hall is used by other people the rest of the week.

Monday and Wednesday
sessions are from 9.15 to 12.15 and 1p.m to 2.45.
Normally we offer the younger children 2 or 3 morning sessions. The afternoon sessions, which we call Playgroup Plus, are usually extra sessions for children in their pre-school year. However, from September 2016 we are making the whole day available to all children once they have settled with us.

session is from 9.15 to 12.15.
There are no afternoon sessions on Friday at present as the Hall is in use then.

Lunch Club
Lunch Club runs from 12.15 to 1p.m. and is available to all the children once they have settled down and are happy with us. We do suggest that the children do not stay for lunch in the first few weeks that they are with us, at this can make it quite a long time to be away from you. However, we are always happy to discuss your individual requirements.
Children staying to Lunch Club bring a packed lunch and we all eat together. We have a healthy eating policy, so lunches should not include sweets, chocolate or sugary drinks. We are aware that children can be very fussy about what they eat, but suggest that if possible their lunch should include yoghurt and fruit. We have suggestions available if you need any ideas.